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Terra Change Patches

Terra Entities introduce a simple and versatile patch format for JSON-like data.

This is a "CRDT" (Conflict-Free Replicated Data Type), which helps enable merging of data without conflicts.

Ordering Patches

HLC is necessary so that an arbitrary set of changes have a deterministic patch order

Once you have a stable way to order patches, you can follow a simple procedure for each patch to arrive at the current entity value


All strings, booleans, and numbers are replaced when

Before: "simple value"
Patch: "this is the new value"
After: "this is the new value"

Even for maps and lists, each value will replace the previous value, unless you use one of the Special Tagged Maps, to patch map and list values instead of replacing them.

Before: ['Banana']
Patch: ['Orange']
After: ['Orange']
Before: { name: 'Claire', age: 9 }
Patch: { name: 'Oliver', age: 5 }
After: { name: 'Oliver', age: 5 }

Special Patch Tags

The following are reserved keywords inside objects, and are used to designate additional patch behavior.

  • #map - MapPatch
  • #list - ListPatch

Tagged #map Patches

Map patches can be used to overwrite only the specified keys, rather than replacing the whole object.

Before: { name: 'Claire', age: 9 }
Patch: { '#map': { age: 10 } }
After: { name: 'Claire', age: 10 }

Tagged #list Patches

Todo: What is the actual behavior here? This is just speculative:

Before: [ 'Claire' ]
Patch: { '#list': { '#ins': 'Oliver' } }
After: [ 'Claire', 'Oliver' ]

Open Questions

  • How to remove a value?
  • Can a value be set to null?
  • What is #rga?


  • crd2/map.go